Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some Recent Pics

It's been a while, so here are some recent pictures from so far in 2009! Aaron has grown up sooo much!

(if you can't see the slideshow above, you can also see it here)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We're Pregnant!

Yep, you read that right!

We were extremely surprised when God gave us an unexpected piece of news right before Christmas - we were pregnant! We had a real hard time even believing the pregnancy test at first, but a few days after taking the test they scheduled us for an ultrasound:

We found out from the ultrasound that we were 7 weeks along, with a projected due date of August 11th! It's hard to see from the picture, but you can actually discern a little body in there complete with little limbs and a head! We can't wait for our next ultrasound (around 20 weeks) where we should be able to tell the gender, too!

We were "just a little" excited when we got the news :) so we only waited a couple days (till Christmas) to tell our families and then finally started sharing the news with friends a few weeks later. Life has been absolutely crazy (of course), and it only got crazier once we got the news and Sara's body began needing a whole bunch more sleep!

Speaking of Sara's's starting to show already! It looks super cute if you ask me! :)

(Sara at ~14 weeks)

It's been amazing to see how God puts families together and how he orchestrates the timing of everything! As you probably know, we've been in the process of adopting again (from S. Korea this time) since about Feb 2008. We contacted our adoption agency (Holt) and they put our adoption process "on hold" until we contact them again to either cancel it or begin pursuing it again. We're very glad for that - it wouldn't be right for either baby if they both came home at once, there's no way you could give them the attention they really need.

We're crazy excited and looking forward to a brand new adventure (again)! Please pray for us and for this new little baby!