Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nothing Yet...

Just a quick word to say that, no, Andrew still hasn't come home yet. Sara's body is definitely ready to be done being pregnant though! :)

Here's a recent picture:

From Pregnancy

We're all looking forward to bringing Andrew home!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Preganancy Update

For those living out of town, here's a quick update:

Sara's looking really cute! ;)

We're now 34.5 weeks along, and if you ask me, I think he's going to come early! I'm telling Sara it'll be in the next week or so, but she's still thinking it'll be closer to our due date (August 11th). By the way, did we tell you the baby's name? He will be "Andrew Charles". I think we'll stick with Andrew instead of Andy or Drew.. I also updated the Pregnancy Slideshow if you want to see Sara's progression. :)

Sara's been doing very well (though she gets tired of course), and we still manage to get out for the occasional family fun day. Here is a slideshow from the last month or so, including a little trip to the Amazing Pizza Machine where Aaron was being very brave (for him) and rode the carousel and train all by himself.