Saturday, August 22, 2009

Some Better Pictures...

Things are slowly starting to settle down here... Andrew's schedule is usually pretty consistent with waking/feeding every 3 hours or so. That holds pretty true until you actually WANT it to be consistent (e.g. to sleep yourself), at which point he'll break his routine and want to stay awake for hours. :) We've been blessed by lots of friends from our church bringing dinner every day this week and that has helped a lot.

We took Andrew in for his first Dr. appointment this last Monday (at 5 days old) and he had put on another 3 ounces and a half-inch from his size at birth. At this rate I think we'll have a football player as a teenager. ;)

Aaron is doing very well and loves his little brother a lot. He loves to hold Andrew on his lap (with help) and gives him frequent pats and kisses (very cute).

For those of you that have been asking... Here are a few of the better pictures we've taken over the last week or so. You can see a slideshow of them here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Andrew update

(Sorry for the short messages - I'm typing this on my blackberry phone so its kinda hard)

Andrew is now 36 hours old and he's already changed! He spent most of the first night and day just wanting to sleep - we had to wake him up to feed him! He's been very calm and quiet the so far. Thursday afternoon he started showing more spunk and would get instantly upset if his bottle wasn't available instantly. ;) Once he gets the bottle he's happy as a clam for another couple hours, so hopefully it stays this way when we get home!

Sara is doing well, though really really tired of course. It's hard to get much sleep when you're in the hospital.. They're letting us go home today (friday) and we can't wait to be there!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Andrew is here!

We'll have to post more later, but he's here! Sara did a great job and it was thankfully relatively easy. Andrew is pretty calm so far!

20 inches, 8lbs 3oz


We're going in!

Today is the day we're being induced, so we're heading to the hospital in a few minutes (it's 7am here). We're praying for a relatively straightforward delivery and hopefully we'll have some news late today!!