Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our Announcement!

Well there's been a lot of stuff happening around here the last several months. I know we haven't been very good about blogging, but hopefully that'll get better sometime!

But real quick, we wanted to share some exciting news with everyone... We've decided to start our second adoption process! We are in the midst of filling out the paperwork to adopt a baby boy or girl from South Korea. We sent in our first application form back at the end of January, but we're just now getting most of the paperwork going (it's a lot harder to find time to fill out paperwork these days!). We thought and prayed a lot about this, especially about which country to adopt from. We loved our experience adopting Aaron from Vietnam and he has been such a blessing to our lives. However, the U.S. and Vietnam aren't getting along right now (as far as international adoptions are concerned) and the whole situation is very unstable (and slow). In contrast, South Korea is a very stable program (and South Korea doesn't require us to compile a dossier - so there's a LOT less paperwork!).

One of the hard things about making that decision was that we have to use a different adoption agency (we loved using CHI), but this time we're using Holt. Thankfully, Holt has an office right here in town, so it does make our process a lot easier. We don't know much yet, only that our baby could be a boy or girl, typically 8-12 months old or so. We probably won't get a referral (picture) until January or February of 2009, and be able to bring him/her home around July/August of 2009. Aaron will be about 3 years old by the time he/she comes home, so there will be about two years age difference between them.

Oh yes, Happy Easter! Here are a few pictures of Aaron recently with some Easter presents from his grandparents. Hopefully we'll get a few more cute pictures tomorrow. :)

His t-shirt says "When God made me, he was just showing off". :)

Here's a quick slideshow of some pictures from this month (click on it to see the full size pictures)

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