Thursday, June 19, 2008

Adoption Update

We got two pieces of good news today!

First, we got our fingerprint appointment back from Citizenship and Immigration Service (CIS), which is actually an important step in getting our visa paperwork completed (for our 2nd adoption). Our appointment is on July 14th - our 7-year wedding anniversary!

Our second piece of good news is that we now have our official court date to finalize Aaron's adoption in Nebraska. Technically, Aaron's adoption was final back in Vietnam, but here in Nebraska we actually have to re-adopt him again so the state will issue him a Nebraska birth certificate, etc. Our court date is now set for July 29th. This is when we can officially change his name from his Vietnamese to his American name! By Nebraska law, we had to be home for six months (and complete our 6-month post-placement homestudy visit) before we could file for this re-adoption. By the time we got everything done and to the lawyer......, well, it's been ten months now. :)

That's it for now!


Kimberly and Ed said...


It is always great to have good news. I love your blog...especially the title!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you two!! I love those pictures of Aaron and the family pic, too. I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!! It's all Chloe can talk about...
