Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Whole New World

August, September, and October have all flown past and we're suddenly into November already, so I guess it's finally time to update our blog. ;)

Andrew is now almost 3 months old already and he's very cute! For those of you who live far away and may not have heard our news yet...these last three months have been a huge roller coaster for us. Experiencing a newborn was new for us (since Aaron was almost a year old when we brought him home), but the newborn part seems like just a small piece these days. We've learned over the last three months that God has a special plan for Andrew. When Andrew was just under two months old he was diagnosed with profound hearing loss in both ears. This means he is essentially completely deaf.

Andrew was born this way - Nebraska has newborn hearing screening tests that they perform within the first ~24 hours or so of being born (which he didn't pass). Subsequent re-tests of a newborn typically show that it was just fluid or gunk built up in the ears that clears up on its own and everybody goes on with life as usual, but not in Andrew's case. Nothing got better in his case and after repeated tests we got a better understanding of his hearing. The tests they perform are really pretty interesting, and yes, they really can tell whether or not a newborn can hear things and it's not just clapping by their ears. ;) They perform a couple different tests, but the most interesting is one known as the ABR. They hook up some electrodes to measure brain stem responses and, while the newborn is asleep, the play specific sounds at various volumes through a small speaker inserted into his ear. Since the baby is asleep the brain activity is very quiet, so you can easily tell when there is a brain response to a sound (which is something that happens even while you're asleep). So far they've measured his hearing loss at volumes of 100db, which means he can't hear a jack hammer that's 3ft away from him.

We don't know the medical reason, and may never know, but we do know that God has a plan for this. This news was very hard news for us, of course, and we cried. Often. But even in this we can see how God is easing the burden before we even fully understand what we're facing. We've learned that Nebraska provides great services for the hearing impaired, and our local school district is already bending over backwards to ensure that we have all the help we could possibly ask for. One of the best places in the country for diagnosing and treating hearing loss is the Boys Town National Research Hospital, which is right here in town. They offer a preschool for the deaf among numerous other programs. Our local school district has a great early childhood program and has already partnered with specialists from Boys Town to form a full team(!) of people that come to our house regularly to help train us on how we can communicate with Andrew. But even more important than all of these great resources has been the help of our families and friends. They have all been so incredibly supportive - providing encouragement, food, laundry, babysitting - you name it! I don't know how we would have made it without all of their help (which is still continuing today..)

Communication is one of our biggest fears. What parent wouldn't be scared of not being able to talk to their baby? We had done a little sign language with Aaron just for the fun of it before he was able to talk (using things like Signing Time DVD's), but had never learned sign language seriously. We've since dug into learning signing as much as time allows (which isn't much!). We're starting with learning ASL (American Sign Language) as that will be the easiest way to start communicating with a baby. Our families have also taken up learning sign language already and I think many of them have long-since surpassed us in how many signs they know. :) We're also pursuing something known as Cochlear Implants. This is a special device that gets implanted in your head, and then a special transmittter unit (that looks kind of like a hearing aid but with circles attached to the back of your head) will send signals inside to a receiver which stimulates the nerves. This approximates sound and can allow children to actually achieve pretty reasonable hearing and talking. Here is a blog that we were referred to and found encouraging of someone else here in Nebraska (Lincoln) that got Cochlear implants - it's really pretty amazing stuff! Over the next year we'll be going through a battery of tests to evaluate whether Andrew is a candidate for the implant (it can only fix certain types of hearing loss), but he won't be able to receive the implants until he is almost a year old.

While we wait to learn more about the implants, the required "first steps" are to try out traditional hearing aids anyway. This coming Monday (11/9/09) we are going in to get Andrew's first set of hearing aids. They know this won't fix his hearing - at most it might give him an awareness of "environmental" sounds. Maybe then he'll be able to hear that jack hammer 3ft away. ;)

Anyway, enough about that! Here are some recent pictures of life during the roller coaster! :) Andrew and Aaron are both really cute. Aaron is a great big brother and just loves to take care of his "baby".

We went to Vala's Pumpkin Patch this year as one of our annual fall traditions and had a great time! You should see all of the pictures! Andrew slept the whole day.

And here are some from Halloween. Aaron was a fireman and Andrew was a dragon (we think). :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Some Better Pictures...

Things are slowly starting to settle down here... Andrew's schedule is usually pretty consistent with waking/feeding every 3 hours or so. That holds pretty true until you actually WANT it to be consistent (e.g. to sleep yourself), at which point he'll break his routine and want to stay awake for hours. :) We've been blessed by lots of friends from our church bringing dinner every day this week and that has helped a lot.

We took Andrew in for his first Dr. appointment this last Monday (at 5 days old) and he had put on another 3 ounces and a half-inch from his size at birth. At this rate I think we'll have a football player as a teenager. ;)

Aaron is doing very well and loves his little brother a lot. He loves to hold Andrew on his lap (with help) and gives him frequent pats and kisses (very cute).

For those of you that have been asking... Here are a few of the better pictures we've taken over the last week or so. You can see a slideshow of them here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Andrew update

(Sorry for the short messages - I'm typing this on my blackberry phone so its kinda hard)

Andrew is now 36 hours old and he's already changed! He spent most of the first night and day just wanting to sleep - we had to wake him up to feed him! He's been very calm and quiet the so far. Thursday afternoon he started showing more spunk and would get instantly upset if his bottle wasn't available instantly. ;) Once he gets the bottle he's happy as a clam for another couple hours, so hopefully it stays this way when we get home!

Sara is doing well, though really really tired of course. It's hard to get much sleep when you're in the hospital.. They're letting us go home today (friday) and we can't wait to be there!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Andrew is here!

We'll have to post more later, but he's here! Sara did a great job and it was thankfully relatively easy. Andrew is pretty calm so far!

20 inches, 8lbs 3oz


We're going in!

Today is the day we're being induced, so we're heading to the hospital in a few minutes (it's 7am here). We're praying for a relatively straightforward delivery and hopefully we'll have some news late today!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nothing Yet...

Just a quick word to say that, no, Andrew still hasn't come home yet. Sara's body is definitely ready to be done being pregnant though! :)

Here's a recent picture:

From Pregnancy

We're all looking forward to bringing Andrew home!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Preganancy Update

For those living out of town, here's a quick update:

Sara's looking really cute! ;)

We're now 34.5 weeks along, and if you ask me, I think he's going to come early! I'm telling Sara it'll be in the next week or so, but she's still thinking it'll be closer to our due date (August 11th). By the way, did we tell you the baby's name? He will be "Andrew Charles". I think we'll stick with Andrew instead of Andy or Drew.. I also updated the Pregnancy Slideshow if you want to see Sara's progression. :)

Sara's been doing very well (though she gets tired of course), and we still manage to get out for the occasional family fun day. Here is a slideshow from the last month or so, including a little trip to the Amazing Pizza Machine where Aaron was being very brave (for him) and rode the carousel and train all by himself.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's a BOY!

Yep, skip right to the chase - it's a BOY! We're really excited about Aaron having a brother to play with. We've been so excited about this little guy, but haven't been able to do much to get ready for him because I (Chip) have had to put in a lot of extra time at work for a special project, but now that is done so we're able to get on with life again!

I thought it was about time we got some pictures of Sara (and the new baby BOY) posted! For those of you that live far away and haven't gotten to see Sara recently, she looks really cute pregnant!! You can click the slideshow below to see the pictures larger, or this link should show it full screen.

Sara has really been doing amazingly well with this whole pregnancy thing if you ask me. Of course she gets tired some, but she sure is working hard and it's really exciting to see her tummy growing and hear all about how the baby is kicking (I can't wait till I can feel it, too).

We've also decided what we're going to do for the baby's room.. My office is moving to the basement, and Aaron will get a "big boy room" decorated in his favorite - Disney Cars (Lightning McQueen, etc.). He's really really super excited about his room and he keeps trying to kick me out of my office so he can have his new bedroom. :) I don't think we'll be redecorating Aaron's old room very much, it's a much cuter baby-boy room than we'll be able to create again at this point in life. ;)

Just for the fun of it.. We got to spend some time with Sara's family recently and did the whole Easter Egg Hunt thing for Aaron and his cousin, Luke. It was a lot of fun! Aaron loves to run and find an egg, but once he finds it, he has to stop and open it and examine the contents thoroughly (and try to close the egg again) before going onto the next egg. Of course this meant he didn't get a whole lot of eggs at the larger church easter egg hunts, etc., but he didn't seem to mind. ;)

(full screen version, click here)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some Recent Pics

It's been a while, so here are some recent pictures from so far in 2009! Aaron has grown up sooo much!

(if you can't see the slideshow above, you can also see it here)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We're Pregnant!

Yep, you read that right!

We were extremely surprised when God gave us an unexpected piece of news right before Christmas - we were pregnant! We had a real hard time even believing the pregnancy test at first, but a few days after taking the test they scheduled us for an ultrasound:

We found out from the ultrasound that we were 7 weeks along, with a projected due date of August 11th! It's hard to see from the picture, but you can actually discern a little body in there complete with little limbs and a head! We can't wait for our next ultrasound (around 20 weeks) where we should be able to tell the gender, too!

We were "just a little" excited when we got the news :) so we only waited a couple days (till Christmas) to tell our families and then finally started sharing the news with friends a few weeks later. Life has been absolutely crazy (of course), and it only got crazier once we got the news and Sara's body began needing a whole bunch more sleep!

Speaking of Sara's's starting to show already! It looks super cute if you ask me! :)

(Sara at ~14 weeks)

It's been amazing to see how God puts families together and how he orchestrates the timing of everything! As you probably know, we've been in the process of adopting again (from S. Korea this time) since about Feb 2008. We contacted our adoption agency (Holt) and they put our adoption process "on hold" until we contact them again to either cancel it or begin pursuing it again. We're very glad for that - it wouldn't be right for either baby if they both came home at once, there's no way you could give them the attention they really need.

We're crazy excited and looking forward to a brand new adventure (again)! Please pray for us and for this new little baby!