Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's a BOY!

Yep, skip right to the chase - it's a BOY! We're really excited about Aaron having a brother to play with. We've been so excited about this little guy, but haven't been able to do much to get ready for him because I (Chip) have had to put in a lot of extra time at work for a special project, but now that is done so we're able to get on with life again!

I thought it was about time we got some pictures of Sara (and the new baby BOY) posted! For those of you that live far away and haven't gotten to see Sara recently, she looks really cute pregnant!! You can click the slideshow below to see the pictures larger, or this link should show it full screen.

Sara has really been doing amazingly well with this whole pregnancy thing if you ask me. Of course she gets tired some, but she sure is working hard and it's really exciting to see her tummy growing and hear all about how the baby is kicking (I can't wait till I can feel it, too).

We've also decided what we're going to do for the baby's room.. My office is moving to the basement, and Aaron will get a "big boy room" decorated in his favorite - Disney Cars (Lightning McQueen, etc.). He's really really super excited about his room and he keeps trying to kick me out of my office so he can have his new bedroom. :) I don't think we'll be redecorating Aaron's old room very much, it's a much cuter baby-boy room than we'll be able to create again at this point in life. ;)

Just for the fun of it.. We got to spend some time with Sara's family recently and did the whole Easter Egg Hunt thing for Aaron and his cousin, Luke. It was a lot of fun! Aaron loves to run and find an egg, but once he finds it, he has to stop and open it and examine the contents thoroughly (and try to close the egg again) before going onto the next egg. Of course this meant he didn't get a whole lot of eggs at the larger church easter egg hunts, etc., but he didn't seem to mind. ;)

(full screen version, click here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm so excited for Aaron to get a little brother! Sara you look wonderful in the pictures. I hope things continue to go so wonderfully for all of you and your growing family!

I love watching Aaron grow in these pictures!