Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nothing Yet...

Just a quick word to say that, no, Andrew still hasn't come home yet. Sara's body is definitely ready to be done being pregnant though! :)

Here's a recent picture:

From Pregnancy

We're all looking forward to bringing Andrew home!


Ellen said...

Can't wait to hear the good news! In the meantime: patience is good :).

Anonymous said...

So adorable Sara!!! I can't wait for the next update!!! I'm checking in on your all the time!

Anonymous said...

I keep checking in - has Andrew joined your family yet?

Chip and Sara said...

No, he still hasn't come home yet! He must really like it in there. Official due date isn't until Tuesday the 11th..

Unknown said...

So excited for you guys!

N came after a good shopping trip to Target (and a full moon). Just stay away from doing anything outrageous. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you guys all day! Can't wait for an update!!!

Allison and Chloe