Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Andrew is here!

We'll have to post more later, but he's here! Sara did a great job and it was thankfully relatively easy. Andrew is pretty calm so far!

20 inches, 8lbs 3oz



Denise said...

I've been checking regularly to see if Baby Andrew had arrived. Congratulations! To God be the Glory for the things He has done and the things He continues to do! I'm so happy for your family. Aaron and Andrew -- what a blessing!
Congratulations again!

Thanking God for your two sons -
Denise, Cambria, and Tianh

Anonymous said...

Yay! I've been waiting to hear from you! Andrew is so beautiful and Sara you look great! Congrats you guys I bet Aaron is sooooo excited! Can't wait to hear and see more!

Allison & Chloe

Ellen said...


Unknown said...

Congrats again guys! We're so happy for you! Big hugs all around-

Your bro-
Jim, Amber + Owen

Allison Friedrich said...

So excited for your family of 4! Keep us posted! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Praise God! He is a beautiful sight! Great job Sara! (and Chip of course... you had a small part in it too. :) )

Julie said...

Congratulations, guys! Denise sent us the link to your news! What a cutie - and a great size, too! I'm sure Aaron is super excited to have a little brother.

Kevin, Julie, Naomi, Ethan & Isaac